The show was set in the final days of the High Republic era as shadowy secrets and emerging dark-side powers threaten to bring chaos and terror to the once peaceful galaxy after training and using the force for evil. Before being canceled, The Acolyte followed a former Padawan after she reunites with her Jedi Master to investigate a series of shocking crimes, but as their investigation takes them deeper and deeper, the duo realizes that the dark forces they are after will stop at nothing to see achieve its sinister plans come to fruition.
Although the show offered a different take on the Star Wars universe, many fans were not happy with the direction of the story. Boasting a putrid 18 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, the Star Wars mystery-thriller never struck a chord with viewers. With The Acolyte being canceled, it remains to be seen how much pressure Disney+ will put on Ahsoka to perform in its second season.
Source: Deadline
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